The writings of amymelissa


Posted in Uncategorized by amymelissa on 20/11/2011

I flicked aimlessly through the channels until I stumbled across a movie, not yet wanting to go to bed. It was a chick flick, one that I hadn’t seen before. Within two segments I had the plot and characters all figured out. It was nearing the end and the revelation of the main character. That was when I started to cry. What for, I wasn’t 100% sure. I don’t normally cry in movies. I got up and grabbed the tissues, my nose running and starting to block up.  But no matter how much I tried to blow my nose more seemed to accumulate just as fast. Next I started coughing. Phlegm was running down the back my throat and now my body wanted it out. So now my nose was blocked and I was coughing, breathing became a problem. I stood over the sink as my body retched and as I tried to calm myself. Tears streaked my face as I struggled to calm myself down; as I struggled to breathe. It was a long and tiring 15 minutes before I could calm myself down. I cleaned myself up and finally left the bathroom. Grabbing my phone I sent a message to the one person who knew me better than anyone else. As I composed it I could feel the signs of panic setting back in. Taking deep breaths, this time I managed to keep it under control. Exhausted, I crawled into bed. I couldn’t handle anything else until morning.


Posted in Prose by amymelissa on 05/11/2011

I sat bound to a wooden chair. My hands were tied together behind my back and I couldn’t move from my seat. A man stood by the only door to the room. The room was completely bare, the concrete walls and floor keeping the room cold. I shivered as the man came closer, from cold as well as fear. The man’s eyes were black and hollow, an emotionless tunnel to his soul. Locks of black hair fell around his eyes as he moved towards me. He raised his right hand as he reached me and I screamed, hoping someone would hear me and help me. But I had seen no one when I had been brought here.

“No one can hear you,” the man said roughly as he grabbed my neck with his left hand. He held my head to the side and used the knife in his right hand to cut off my left earlobe. I tried to move my head away, but the grip on my neck tightened and I felt myself being strangled. I stopped struggling and his grip loosened, but he didn’t let go. My ear felt as though it was burning and I could feel blood on my neck.

As the man turned my head so he could do the same on the other side I glanced into his eyes. Instead of being void of emotion I could see the flames of passion. This man was so sick and twisted that he actually enjoyed this.